Sunday, June 26, 2011

Self Made Solar Energy

Constructing your own solar panel or wind turbine will cost you no more than $100-150, few hours of your time and some patience!

Unplug your house from the electrical grid, plus, instead of paying your power bill, electrical companies would actually pay you for creating a renewable energy.

With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money and start generating your own free home electricity.
However, you need an open mind and willingness to listen, because there are large economic interests that keep most people dependent on energy.

People don’t have the knowledge of using a renewable energy as the primary and the only source of energy in house. It seems complicated and messy to build your own generator and so people simply choose the option to pay their bills as they always did.
Sources that are not always disclosed and available to the consumer-Here's what Top 100 Companies don't want you to know:  Check it out HERE!

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