Saturday, July 2, 2011

Survival Plan 2012 - Preparation is the key to Survival

What if the Crazy’s are Right?

What if the crazy, crackpot theories about 2012 are right? Then what? Just accept fate and let it slide? I couldn’t.  I decided to act and that at a minimum I would do the research necessary to:
  1. Understand the REAL threat of the different 2012 apocalyptic scenarios from a Planet X/Nibiru flyby, to prolonged solar storms, to a radical pole shift of the earth’s mantle as we cross the galactic plane at the center of the Milky Way.
  2. Determine what and if there was anything realistically you could do about it and if you could have any chance of surviving regardless of your preparedness.
  3. Analyze the destruction predictions and patterns for each scenario to identify definitive areas not to be and to locate potential locations that have the best odds of surviving the initial events and the prolonged aftereffects.
  4. Catalogue all of the necessary survival skills you would need to have a real fighting chance to survive if you and your family were lucky enough or prepared enough to be in a survivable location.

Want any chance of surviving the coming 2012 apocalypse...You need to know where to be, how to survive and what you need to be prepared for. This indispensable guide gives you everything you need to survive without the doom, gloom and hysteria.


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